Crashes, Glitches and Lost Data – Count On It

What is your backup plan?

I’m not talking about in general, I’m talking about everything- every part of your 3D visualization process.

Computers are beautiful machines that can do wondrous things, but the crash.

In fact, it isn’t if your computer will crash, it is when. Sometimes it is a hardware issue, other times it is a software issue. From our perspective, however, it doesn’t matter. All we can do is prepare for the inevitable.

And speaking of things going awry with computers, don’t forget that your program will glitch as well. Occasionally, for no reason, something will go wonky without explanation. You can spend all day on the phone with software support trying to figure out why or you can just prepare yourself for the fact that it will happen and find an alternative workaround in the mean time. Software isn’t perfect, don’t expect it to be.

In the end, if you lose data and/or become frustrated based on malfunctions, it is your fault. You know it will happen and have adequate time to prepare. Backing up all of your files at least two times is just the beginning. Finding several ways to do the same thing is another great solution to the roadblocks that we all face.

Because in the end, we are responsible. When we produce beautiful animations, it is to our credit. And, when we lose all of our data because we didn’t back up…

…it is to our credit.

(Speaking of credit, image credit to Kamyar Adl)